(Workers Rights for Caregivers (4/2015
זכותון סיעוד בשפה הרוסית русский 2015
זכותון סיעוד רומנית Drepturile do munca
זכותון יום מנוחה עובדי סיעוד – Weekly Rest Day
New Procedure of Prior Notice for Cargivers
Replacement During Vacation with Re-Entry Visa (Intervisa(
Visa Regulation for Caregivers for Special Humanitarian Reasons ("Special Visa")
Kav LaOved -Worker's Rights
03-6883766 75 Nachalat Binyamin St, Tel Aviv
04-8643350, 18 Hertzl St, Haifa
Mesilla -Social problems, family and children
03-6879727 3 Rishon LeTzion St., Tel Aviv
Physicians for Human Rights –health & medical insurance issues
03-6873027/ 03-6873718, 9 Hadror St., Jaffa
Rape Crisis Center Hotline for women
1202, Hotline for men – 2103
Hotline for Migrant Workers -arrested workers
03-5602530 75 Nachalat Binyamin St, Tel Aviv