One of Kav LaOved’s main achievements during 2012 was the research and publication of the report, “Employment of Palestinians in Israel and the Settlements: Restrictive Policies and Abuse of Rights,” based on the interviews and complaints of 514 Palestinians workers about work permits, collected in partnership with Machsom Watch (an Israeli NGO). This report joins together the efforts of other organizations, including Machsom Watch and Gisha, to both shed light on the process by which workers enter Israel and also make recommendations to simplify this process vis-à-vis labor authorities inside Israel (the Payment Department at the Population and Immigration Authority at the Ministry of Interior) and the West Bank (employment staff officer at the civil administration). The report additionally exposes the exploitation of many Palestinians by Israelis, particularly in the settlements. The information in the report is based mostly on Kav LaOved’s work against the exploitation of Palestinian workers in Israel and the West Bank.