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Kav LaOved newsletters are published around every six weeks, and contain updates about the labor market, Kav LaOved’s work, events, editorials, and more.


Previous Newsletters

Thank you for believing in us! – July 2024

Kav LaOved launches a crowdfunding campaign: help us defending workers rights in Israel – May 2024

Freedom can bloom only where fair labor rights and laws are enforced – April 2024

A personal letter from our new Executive Director – Adv. Ohad Amar – March 2024

Kav LaOved’s Analysis – The Occupation of Labor, Version 2024 – February 2024

Goodbye 2023, Goodbye KLO – January 2024

United in Fate – November 2023

May it be a year of justice and equality for all workers September 2023

The Wages of a Hired Servant Shall Not Abide with Thee Overnight – August 2023

World Day for Safety and Health at Work – April 2023

In Solidarity With The Workers – March 2023

How do you fit a year of super-intensive work into one newsletter? – December 2022

Urgent matters that need to be promoted in the 25th Knesset – November 2022

Humiliating, offensive and racist regulations are about to harm asylum seekers – September 2022

The hidden sexual harassment of migrant women employed in caregiving and agriculture – August 2022

Eight months of silence – why don’t work accident victims receive reimbursement for their medical treatment? – June 2022

Construction Remains the Most Dangerous Sector for Workers in Israel – May 2022

The Occupational Health Crisis in Israel – March 2022

Who is protecting the rights of Palestinian workers in Israel? – February 2022

Dear Members of the Knesset, Let’s Work Together! – December 2021

Kav LaOved, a long-standing workers’ rights organization, is launching a crowdfunding campaign – November 2021

A Land Devouring its Workers: Neglect and Violations of Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Right to Health in Israel – October 2021

Situation report: Developments and reform in the employment conditions of Palestinians in Israel – June 2021

Political persecution of Palestinian workers who are Israeli Citizens – May 2021

We need to talk about caregivers / Adv. Meytal Russo – March 2021

The decision whether to accept a vaccine or not is at the core of the right to privacy and autonomy – February 2021

occupational safety failures: the number of work accidents in Israel continues to rise – January 2021

Who are the essential workers most at risk of infection? – December 2020

Is the era of binding Palestinian workers to their employers over? – November 2020

Annual Report 2019 – September 2020

The corona crisis and its impact on the Israeli economy – July 2020

Foreign caregivers are forbidden from going on annual leave\sleeping in any accommodation other than the nursing home – June 2020

The Deposit Law, which legalized the theft of 20% of the salaries of asylum seekers and refugees in Israel, was cancelled – May 2020

The majority of Thai agriculture workers in Israel receive less than the legal minimum wage – February 2020

Refugees who are also human trafficking victims will be refunded with their deposit money – January 2020

Workers are demanded to work in times of heightened security risk – December 2019

Palestinian workers paying brokerage fees for the “right” to work in Israel – November 2019

Victory of a dentist who was not hired to work in a clinic after refusing to remove her Hijab – October 2019

The hidden ways in which the State bureaucracies’, policies and procedures rob the poorest workers – September 2019

Working Safely in Agriculture – August 2019

1st mid-year report on work accidents in all sectors of the workforce – July 2019

Hundreds of millions of Shekels are stolen from asylum seekers – June 2019

The Lives of the Workers that Cannot Vote Are Worthless  – April 2019

Female migrant workers in Israel – March 2019

Zerifa, Shams, Sajda, Merach, Rua, Sara, Adin, Diana & Ruaia completed our training – Feb. 2019

The Fight For The Right To Love Heats Up – January 2019

Behind closed doors – December 2018

Another chapter in our fight for the exploited workers of Yilmazlar – November 2018

Jordan Valley Regulations – October 2018

The neglect of agricultural migrant workers – September 2018

Our Fight to Cancel the Discriminatory Refugee Deposit Law – August 2018

The Slaves of the Tel Aviv Towers – June 2018

Supreme Court Petition Against State Neglect of Construction Workers – May 2018
